HP PCs and Printers & NCS Desktop Virtualization Solutions
NCS and HP today are hosting a table featuring HP PC and Printing solutions and NCS Virtualization Solutions at the NIST NOAA DoC Campus Technology Day at Boulder Labs, at the NOAA Building, DCRC-GC402, Boulder, CO.
For additional information or to set up an appointment at the booth, please contact Jeff Tiede at 703-819-0515.
NCS Is an HP Platinum Partner
NCS is a close partner to HP in the federal sector and will have information on HP solutions, such as HP EliteBooks and HP ProBooks, at this event. We work closely with HP on many federal contracts and Blanket Purchase Agreements, including NASA SEWP (A,C), GSA IT 70, GSA 36 (pending), ARMY AMDC-2, USAF CCS-2 and DPI. Our customers include large civilian agencies, most branches of the military and the intelligence agencies. We sell nearly all HP products and services, including PC, Print, 3D Print, MPS and DaaS.
NCS Is The Leader is Zero Client Desktop Virtualization Solutions
NCS solutions use PCoIP from Teradici as its preferred remote display protocol. PCoIP transfers the image of software running on a central server or workstation to any PCoIP-ready end-point. PCoIP compresses, encrypts and rapidly transports image pixels to end-user devices. The desktops and notebooks in turn decrypt, decompress and display the image on a screen. From a user’s perspective, there is no difference between working with a local computer loaded with software and a zero client receiving the image of the software running via PCoIP. Users always experience a high performance, fully-functional computing experience - even with HD.
NCS participates in the VMware-Teradici-NCS software/hardware ecosystem of end point solutions to deliver improved manageability, reduced cost of ownership and improved security over alternative technology solutions.
Ultra Secure Zero Clients
NCS offers a complete family of virtualized zero clients. The NCS portfolio includes:
* Zero Client Desktops With Dual Display - Cirrus TZ-202L & Cirrus DT 5220
* Zero Client Desktops With Quad Display - Cirrus TZ-204L
* WiFi Zero Client Desktops with Dual Display - Cirrus DT WiFi & Cirrus DT 5230
* Zero Client Notebook - Cirrus LT Plus
To learn more about NCS zero clients solutions, download this brochure.