The View From NCS Technologies

NCS Highlights Security at Government CyberSecurity Summit

Posted by Katie Callahan on May 3, 2017 10:29:37 AM

DOT Cybersecurity Summit 2017

Wednesday is Day Two at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Cybersecurity Summit 2017, DOT Headquarters, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. NCS Technologies is an important supplier of security solutions to the military, intelligence and other civilian government agencies. Please stop by the NCS booth and talk to Lauren Mayoral, an expert of civilian agency IT issues. All government agency employees and contractors are invited to participate at this important event.

There are many critical components to IT security, starting with the filtering done by the service provider and extending to the robust security infrastructure provided at the data center. Continuing this philosophy of "security through layers of defense", the next security peremeter after the data center is the desk top or end user. Today at the show NCS is promoting the Cirrus family of virtual zero client end point devices which focus on strong security at the desk top or end user level.

Zero client virtual desktops and laptops are recognized at the best security at the end user level. Instead of continually implementing patches and updates, users of zero clients have security peace of mind because they benefit from AES-256 encryption and because there is no hard drive or local storage to attack, no OS to infect, no persistent user data to steal and no antivirus software needed.

NCS zero client end points lead the industry in innovation, ease of use and low cost of ownership. NCS solutions rely on the PCoIP protocol, which compresses, encrypts and encodes the entire computing experience at the data center. Information is transmitted as pixels across the IP network to the end points. Users have a high performance, fully-functional computing experience - even with HD. VMware is our virtualization platform of choice. This platform improves the availability, performance and utilization of IT resources. NCS zero clients are also optimized for Amazon Workspaces and Microsoft Azure cloud environments. 

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Topics: VDI, PCoIP, virtualization, zeroclients, vmware

Secure Virtual End Points at DOT CyberSecurity Summit

Posted by Katie Callahan on May 2, 2017 4:05:28 PM

U.S. Department of Transportation Focus on Cybersecurity

This week the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is focusing on cybersecurity by offering two days of training and educational sessions. Hosted by the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), the security summit is open to all federal agencies and is taking place at DOT Headquarters, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, D.C.

Speakers from industry plus such agencies as DOT, NIST, HHS and OPM are talking about a broad range of cybersecurity topics including risks, management, industry innovation and operations issues.

NCS Technologies is a leader in supplying secure and reliable IT solutions to government agencies. NCS is an exhibitor at the DOT Cybersecurity Summit and is showcasing the Cirrus family of virtual zero client end point devices at this event. Please stop by the booth and talk to Lauren Mayoral, an expert of civilian agency IT issues.

A focus at this event is IT virtualization, particularly at the desktop or end point. NCS zero client end points lead the industry in innovation, ease of use and low cost of ownership. NCS solutions rely on the PCoIP protocol, which compresses, encrypts and encodes the entire computing experience at the data center. Information is transmitted as pixels across the IP network to the end points. Users have a high performance, fully-functional computing experience - even with HD. VMware is our virtualization platform of choice. This platform improves the availability, peformance and utilization of IT resources. NCS zero clients are also optimized for Amazon Workspaces and Microsoft Azure cloud environments. 

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Topics: VDI, virtualization, zeroclients, vmware

NCS Desktop Solutions Featured at VMUG Denver USERCON

Posted by Katie Callahan on Apr 26, 2017 2:35:59 PM

VMware User Group Expo, Denver

Today we are happy to share that many Denver area VMware users are stopping by the NCS booth at the VMware User Group - Denver, to learn how zero clients can fit into their desktop virtualization strategies. Nearly everyone is looking to learn more about improving manageability, cost of ownership and security. 

NCS is active at most VMUG events around the country and our table is usually one of the most heavily visited.

 NCS zero client end points lead the industry in innovation, ease of use and low cost of ownership. NCS solutions rely on the PCoIP protocol, which compresses, encrypts and encodes the entire computing experience at the data center. Information is transmitted as pixels across the IP network to the end points. Users have a high performance, fully-functional computing experience - even with HD. VMware is our virtualization platform of choice. This platform improves the availability, peformance and utilization of IT resources. NCS zero clients are also optimized for Amazon Workspaces and Microsoft Azure cloud environments. 

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Topics: VDI, PCoIP, virtualization, vmware

Strong Security for Government Desktop Computing

Posted by Katie Callahan on Apr 24, 2017 11:32:03 AM

Modernize Access to Secure Government Networks With SecureView

Many government military and intelligence analysts need to routinely access multiple networks of varying security, depending on a work task. Networks are known for the level of security needed or provided. Network examples include the Internet, NIPRNet (private IP network), SIPRNet (classified), and JWICS (top secret). Some agencies use dedicated PCs for specific networking..

The trend, however, is modernization and simplication of the old network-access model. Today, more and more agencies use multiple guest Virtual Machines (VMs) to access different classification levels. These agencies are turning to SecureView for government, developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

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Topics: SecureView, virtualization, security

PCoIP: The Premier End Point Virtualization Remote Display Protocol

Posted by John Callahan on Mar 24, 2017 2:10:34 PM

Breakthrough, Super Secure, Remote Access Technology 

Getting out of the office and talking to customers and end users quickly grounds you with exposure to real day-to-day issues. For those of us actively promoting virtualization technologies and solutions, it's easy to forget that for busy IT administrators, virtualization is just one of their many daily challenges.

Attending a user group this week reminds me that for many IT administrators, it is still murky to tell the difference between thin client end points and zero clients.

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Topics: VDI, virtualization, security, zeroclients, government, manageability, thinclients

Secure Desktop Computing for Every Season

Posted by Katie Callahan on Mar 10, 2017 4:14:35 PM

Secure Government Networks With SecureView

The middle of March is one of those periods when planning for unusually warm to unusually cold weather is a real possibility. When putting together a secure government desktop computing plan the same strategy applies: prepare for any scenario. In truth, security breakdowns occur in many ways.

That's why many government agencies require the use of communications networks beyond the security protections offered by the standard Internet connection. Specific networks, as needed, provide additonal levels of privacy and classified security. Examples of these networks include NIPRNet (private IP network), SIPRNet (classified), and JWICS (top secret). Many government analysts still access a specific network using a dedicated PC for that network.

An important and emerging trend however, is modernization through virtualization. More and more agencies use multiple guest Virtual Machines (VMs) to access different classification levels. Many are turning to SecureView, developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

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Topics: SecureView, virtualization

NCS Partner Spotlight

Posted by Katie Callahan on Mar 2, 2017 4:08:17 PM

Getech is a Strong UK Partner

NCS has been selling the industry-leading Cirrus zero client laptop to UK markets since we partnered with Getech in 2015, and having strong partners like Getech has been integral to our international success. NCS is proud to work with Getech, one of our key international partners. Getech represents top tier brands, including BT, Dell, HP, and Samsung. 

Getech: Thin & Zero Clients

Getech has been pioneer in distribution of thin client and zero technology throughout the channel since its inception in the late 90’s. The company has become the UK’s largest distributor of thin client products and held a steady market lead through a strong service ethic supported by in house technicians, strong vendor partnerships and a long standing team of sales specialists trained to be dedicated in product knowledge and customer service from pre sales to after care.

NCS and Getech: a Proven Partnership

NCS and Getech work closely together on meeting customer needs in the expanding UK IT markets. We look forward to continuing our work together, and are sure that we will have great future success! To learn more about Getech, please go here:

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Topics: virtualization, zeroclients, thinclients

Secure Desktop Computing for Government

Posted by Katie Callahan on Feb 10, 2017 11:05:02 AM

Modernize Access to Secure Government Networks With SecureView

Many government agencies require the use of communications networks beyond the Internet because of the need for superior privacy and security. Specific networks provide additonal levels of privacy and classified security. Examples of these networks include NIPRNet (private IP network), SIPRNet (classified), and JWICS (top secret). Implementing access can be as simple as using dedicated PCs for specific communications. For a user, multiple hard drives (dedicated to SIPRNet or JWICS, for example) are accessed by a KVM switch. This is common throughout the Department of Defense and in the intelligence community.

An important and emerging trend however, is modernization and simplication of the old network-access model. Today, more and more agencies use multiple guest Virtual Machines (VMs) to access different classification levels. Today, these agencies are turning to SecureView, developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

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Topics: SecureView, virtualization

Portable Desktop Virtualization in Healthcare

Posted by Katie Callahan on Feb 6, 2017 3:56:43 PM

Putting the Virtual Desktop on the Move In Hospitals

The annual HIMSS17 healthcare IT conference begins in Orlando in two weeks. NCS will be at Booth #5644. Virtualization will be one of the prime IT topics at HIMSS17. Many healthcare institutions are turning to virtualization to improve IT manageability, reduce complexity, reduce costs and dramatically improve data security.

VDI is a broad subject, and more and more administrators are looking for payoffs outside servers in the data center. As administrators look to the endpoint or desktop level, there is still some confusing over labeling. Endpoints may be called thin clients or zero clients. In fact, a Google search for zero clients will return mostly thin client desktops. So a legitimate question may be, what's the difference?

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Topics: VDI, Healthcare, virtualization, zeroclients, WiFi, desktop

See You at the Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium

Posted by Katie Callahan on Feb 3, 2017 9:54:55 AM

Make Plans to Visit Booth #29

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of AFCEA is ready to kick off the Cyberspace Symposium 2017 at the Broadmoor Resort, Colorado Springs, Feb. 6-9.

The theme this year is "IoT is Here: Connecting, Protecting, Impacting."The conference will explore the vast changes occurring in how devices connecting to our networks improve efficiency yet challenge security. Attendees from the armed forces and government involved in the IT security ecosystem will attend to learn about new products and solutions, and to hear about the latest industry trends as highlighted in the many breakout sessions and keynote speeches.

Please join NCS Technologies at Booth #29. 

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Topics: VDI, SecureView, virtualization, cybersecurity, Air Force